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2011 - Free Mused Literary Review Ebooks

The BellaOnline Mused Literary Review offers poetry, short stories, artwork, non-fiction works, plays, and interviews each quarter. The magazine is offered in ebook format for free! This gorgeous, formatted PDF is a delightful way to enjoy each season of the year. Mused is published on each solstice and equinox.

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Winter Solstice 2011 - Volume 5, Issue 4

Winter infuses our world with magical beauty. Trees become glistening creations of white, frosted with snow and gilded with ice. Misty landscapes remind us of the serenity of solitude. Drops of water become shimmering jewels.

Poetry wraps us in the sensations. Blue holiday lights reflect merrily off of car hoods. Cozy fires blaze to warm frosty toes. Weary shoppers in line lose track of the true meaning of Christmas.

Fiction gives us garlands of glowing lights in Delhi, India along with a Christmas celebration embraced by mist and ancient cedars.

Non-fiction looks back at relationships. A woman muses about what type of cake her absent father might have wanted. A man remembers fond moments in a life with an alcoholic father.

Winter is a season of nature's essence. We gaze at the bare bones of trees, rocks, and landscapes, and glimpse the ethereal harmony which has always been there. It is a time to offer gratitude for all that we have, and all we can dream of becoming.

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Autumn Equinox 2011 - Volume 5, Issue 3

Autumn with its rich, vibrant hues inspires us to breathe in the richness of life and celebrate each day. There are the exuberant images of whales waving hello against the mountains of Antarctica. Then there are the tiny, 8mm beauties which radiate an ethereal glow. In between are the landscapes so serenely beautiful they seem like a fantasy brought to life.

Poetry paints the air with its mosaic of sounds. We are seduced by the wail of a saxophone and haunted by the images of a woman struggling against cancer. A sister comes to term with her fractious relationship with her sibling. Young love blossoms on the wooden slats of a dock's edge.

Fiction twists our emotions as an expectant mother fears the worst. A lonely woman craves the grace of dancers' delicate movements. An abused woman clutches at her options and seeks escape.

Non-Fiction aims the spotlight on the experiences of our community. A grandmother struggles with the loss of her beloved mother. A tour guide in Alaska enriches visitors with knowledge of the Tlingit culture. A wife finds friction with her tough-old-bird husband, yet appreciates why they remain side by side.

Life is not a smooth, effortless sail from one coast to another. It is often rough and stormy, with fierce squalls and periods of dead calm where all motion seems to be lost. Maybe it is these stops and starts which remind us to look around us with an active eye and appreciate the beauty which inhabits every corner of our world. Every moment has something to teach us, if we would but stop and listen.

Free Ebook Version of Autumn Equinox 2011 Issue

Summer Solstice 2011 - Volume 5, Issue 2

The longest day of the year drenches us with sunlight, opening our eyes to the beauty of the world around us. Crater Lake drowns us with sapphire blues and shimmering whites. Candy Colored Beetle shimmers iridescently. Urban Bird discovers a perfectly camouflaged home. Drifting Turtle embodies serenity with impressionistic beauty.

Our poems paint rich images in our minds. Sanctuary creates a sacrament of soft sunlight. Spring Breakup layers silver-grey wolf willows by a still-frozen lake. Taming the Wild twists branches of mugo pine while Sheets whirls linens into rejoicing Sufi dancers.

Fiction stories draw our hearts into previously unseen worlds. A New Life delves into a young girlīs experience in a puppy mill. May holds hands with a grieving widow who knows her husbandīs life was less than squeaky-clean. Affairs of the Heart spends a rain-freshened day in India with a woman struggling with Alzheimerīs.

Non-fiction shares in the realities of life. My Trip to Iran grapples with caring for an elderly parent. Loss, Love, and Learning processes the pain of losing a beloved horse. Grounded memorializes the tragic events of September 11, 2001. Then Grasp Life reminds us to treasure every day and to be grateful for the blessings in our world.

Enjoy the longest day - and every day. Life is precious. Each day we can draw in the beauty and richness of our world is a present.

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Spring Equinox 2011 - Volume 5, Issue 1

Spring is a season of contrasts. The bleak edges of winter are gentling into a softer welcome. The crisp monochromatic spirals of a staircase become mirrored by the peach petals of a flower. A resting duck is reflected in the still waters of its pond. Life begins anew.

Poems echo the swift, darting nature of a hummingbird and catch vainly at fading memories scattering like crickets. Red geraniums and purple fragrance encourage us to drink deeply.

Fiction walks with a jilted bride constructing a new start and a widow releasing the relics of the past. A young woman contemplates being responsible for another woman's children.

Non-Fiction illuminates. A nicotine addict reveals her painful struggles. A visitor to Ghana discovers just how much there is to share with others. A young girl realizes the insidious power of a lie.

Dyan deNapoli shares the heartache and redemption of saving 40,000 penguins from a devastating oil spill. Learn what you can do to make a difference.

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  A R C H I V E  

2017 Mused Literary Review Issues
2016 Mused Literary Review Issues
2015 Mused Literary Review Issues
2014 Mused Literary Review Issues
2013 Mused Literary Review Issues
2012 Mused Literary Review Issues
2011 Mused Literary Review Issues
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2008 Mused Literary Review Issues
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