Writing Poetry

Cats as Metaphors
Cats can be useful metaphors in poetry.
Change Your Mind
Keeping everything the same is boring. Change is good for your brain. Change the way you write, read, and think about poetry after reading this article.
Choosing a Title for your Poem
The first thing any reader sees of your poem is the title. Make sure it´s a good one!
Creative Methods and Techniques for Poetry
When inspiration seems lacking, try these alternative exercises to rekindle your inner muse.
Deaf Poetry- an oxymoron?
A look at a portion of "The Mute´s Lament" by Deaf poet, John Carlin.
Death and Poetry
Death is a common theme in poetry. John Donne and Adelaide Crapsey deliver poems of rebellion against death.
Dedicating poetry to others
Poetry is a very personal form of putting emotions on paper and is very healing in nature. Because of this, many poems are written in dedication to individuals. Lets look at these types of poems and an example: "Dad´s Alzheimer´s- Dedicated to Claus"
Dogs in Poetry
As an important part of many people´s lives, dogs hold a unique place in poetry.
Edit Your Poetry
Some tips on the process of editing your own poetry.
Ekphrastic Poetry
Using poetry to understand art.
Figures of Speech - Metonymy and Synecdoche
Two of the most troublesome figures of speech to keep straight - metonymy and synecdoche - and how to differentiate successfully between the two.
Find Poetry in the World Around You
Moving beyond simple definitions of poetry to understand its essence, and where it can be found.
Halloween Poetry
A short selection of ghoulish and ghastly poems great for Halloween.
How to Interpret a Poem
Does the task of interpreting a poem seem daunting? Interpreting poems need never be arduous work. It can actually be a very fun exercise.
How to Self-Publish Your Poetry
An insight into the murky world of self-publishing your own works.
Invocation of the Muse
Invoking the Muse was common practice among the classical poets to assuage writers block and lend inspiration to every creative endevour.
Limerick Fun
In celebration of Irish festivities in March, a look at the mechanics of writing a limerick.
An introduction to the why's and how's of using onomatopoeia in poetry.
Overcoming Writer´s Block
The best of us can get frustrated with writing poetry. William Shakespeare lamented his inability to change styles in his 76th Sonnet.
Poetry in the Brain
Exploring how the right and left hemispheres of the brain must work together to create poetry.
Poetry´s Two Whys
When it comes to poetry, both poets and readers must ask themselves "Why?"
Principles of Analyzing Sound in Poetry
Poets choose words carefully for their sounds. Learn how to identify and interpret the role of sound in poetry.
Repetition in Poetry
The importance and purpose of repetition within poetry.
Science Fiction Poetry
Science fiction- not just for novels.
Seasonal Poems - Autumn
Writing poetry about autumn, with inspiration from several poets.
Ten Places to Publish Poetry for Profit
Every budding poet wants to turn their hobby into profit. Here are ten places you can publish your poetry that pay.
Terza Rima
A definition and example of the Italian poetic structure, Terza Rima.
Thanksgiving Poetry
Some fun ideas for poems for the Thanksgiving holiday.
The 6 Don´ts of Writing Poetry
Avoid these 6 common mistakes to improve the quality of your poetry.
The Function of Line in Poetry
How do poets decide when to “turn” a line, to begin a new line instead of continuing on the same one? Sometimes, the line breaks in a poem are dictated by a strict meter or rhyme scheme–but more often today, it is the poet who uses his or her license to choose to break a line of poetry.
The History of the Limerick
Limericks are one of the most popular forms of poetry quoted today. Learn more about this traditional (and often bawdy) poetic form.
Using Imagery in Poetry
Imagery is a powerful tool used in poetry that will allow the reader to experience the poem through their senses.
Using Simile and Metaphor
Do you simply read poetry? Or do you experience it! Similes and Metaphors create mental comparisons that bring a deeper dimension to writing.
Who is the Speaker of a Poem?
Just because a poem uses the word “I” doesn’t mean that it’s the poet herself speaking. Learn why it makes a difference.
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